Best List: Music for Study

Carmen Bray
3 min readDec 19, 2019


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It is assumed that to study, it is crucial to have an environment that is silent without distractions. Maybe this usually works for you. However, for some, studying in a quiet environment can make them bored and eventually succumb to sleep. Therefore, if you cannot study without some music, selecting the right kind can be crucial to your overall productivity level. Listening to Study music can make you calm, more active, uplifting your mood, encourage you to be focused, and study for a longer time.

Therefore, here is a list of the best types of music that is recommended for studying.

1) Nature Sounds

If you do not like classical music, this kind of music is the perfect choice for you. It is known for escalating your concentration level and keeps your mind engaged at a more subconscious level. It is also calming, and that is why many people use it to fall asleep and to meditate. Soundtracks of nature like rain, waterfalls, fall under this category.

2) Lyric Free Music

Music researchers believe that relax music for study should not have any lyrics. Therefore, there is no competition for your brain’s memory between the song and your studies.

3) Instrumental Music

You should listen to this type of music. It is more modern compared to classical, but it has a similar effect. Relaxing sounds from the instruments, when paired with modern tunes, give you the best from both worlds. Therefore, you will not have to miss anything. You can also check movie soundtracks that you might find useful.

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4) Listen To Classical Music

This kind of music is known for being harmonious and peaceful, creating a serene and calm studying environment. It is suggested as one of the greatest study genres. This is because students report positive side effects, such as improved productivity and a better mood. So, while you find yourself losing focus when studying, try to listen to classical music.

If you want to study and listen to music at the same time, you can search for youtube study music and prepare your playlist in advance. Another thing you should do is to avoid listening to music from the radio.


Whether you listen to any of these suggestions, Tupac, Michael Jackson, or any other type of music, it does not make any difference. What is important is that it works for you. So, ensure that whatever you listen to does not destruct you, but calms you and puts your mind into a study mode. This way, you will be productive and retain what you are learning.



Carmen Bray

Writer, blogger, academic mentor, tutor.